Life and social counseling
My central calling.
Life and social counseling is an offer for people in temporary conflicts, crises, decision-making situations and phases of change. As an accompaniment in this situation of life, it helps to find suitable solutions.
In this area, the tool we work with is the relationship, our personality, the totality of our resources. This also includes the ones described below.

Embodiment - In Body Mind
Cognitive science assumes that our body stores all our experiences and emotions. These experiences and emotions are visibly embodied as unique as each person and their body intelligence. The body speaks even when the person cannot find the words.

Yoga can be translated as the connection of body and mind.
It consists of pranayama (breathing exercises), asanas (physical exercises), meditation, mudras (gestures directing energy) and much more.
Mindful practice shows positive effects on the physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and social level.

Energy work
We are surrounded by energy that not only affects our mindset, but is also anchored in our body. We are surrounded by an aura, by subtle levels that work in and around us.

Enthusiasm & Passion.
For the love of people.
For the love of living beings.
For the love of life.
My job is my calling, my calling is my life and my love for life is my added value on my way to lightness.